Ma ma and Pa pa

This is another wonderful family I’ve had the opportunity to get to know over the past year and a half. And this baby girl loves her Ma ma and Pa pa so much. Poor baby we traumatized her when she got here, how dare we make her take off her brand new Elmo t-shirt to go take some pictures. She was so upset over it, and the only thing that made her stop crying was when her Ma ma told her they would go dance to “Sha Tu Tu”. So we went outside and they had to put on the French music and dance for a bit. And I’m happy to say as soon as the session was over she was able to get Elmo back!






3 Responses to “Ma ma and Pa pa”

  1. Kim LeBleu says:

    After all of that drama…these are great!

  2. jennifer kilpatrick says:

    she is so cute! I love her little grin in the second one.

  3. jessica chaumont says:

    these are great, sha Sophie, love her curls, I heard about her day.

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